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Solar PV & Battery Storage

Why choose solar?

Solar panels are becoming a higher priority for both commercial and residential spaces. With the rising living costs and inflation, solar panels are a great addition to any property to help you make informed energy decisions.

Our goal is to install solar to be both efficient and aesthetically pleasing. Solar panels can be installed on rooftops or other structures that receive direct sunlight. They can also be connected to the grid or used as standalone systems with batteries to store excess energy.

They are a renewable and sustainable energy source, as they do not emit harmful pollutants or greenhouse gases during operation.

Long Lasting

This energy efficient solution is low-maintenance, with no moving parts and a lifespan of over 25 years. Making them a reliable and long-lasting investment.

Solar panels offer a sustainable and cost-effective way to power homes and businesses while reducing dependence on traditional energy sources.

At Epixx Systems, we design and install systems to personally meet you and your properties needs. With live mobile notifications to inform you on your savings and storage through an online app.

Battery storage and Grid Supply

Battery storage can have a massive impact on your home and your energy usage. By harnessing the energy of the sun through your solar panels. This system can generate electricity that can be stored in batteries.

This allows property owners to store solar energy during high production periods and keep it for times when the sun is not shining. Allowing you to make energy informed decisions about your home. The integration of solar PV battery storage with the grid supply system enhances energy resilience and minimises dependency on traditional fossil fuels.

During periods of high demand or grid instability, stored solar energy can be seamlessly fed back into the grid. Contributing to a more stable and sustainable energy supply. This can also ensure that your lights, wifi and appliances remain on during a power cut!