

What is smart security?​

Our Smart security systems incorporate high-quality alarm equipment. Ensuring reliable performance and prolonged system durability. By integrating traditional alarm systems into your local network, we enhance their functionality. Allowing you to view your security system using your smartphone.

Smart systems offer an extremely effective deterrent against intruders. Allowing you to be reactive as soon as something happens at home.

Our professionally installed smart security systems. From an award winning, local smart home installation company. Ensure your home is being looked after 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Upgrading your existing security system

In addition, almost all cases, if you have an existing alarm system, we’re able to convert it to a smart alarm in only 1 day. Over the years the cables haven’t changed for alarm systems which means that any wired alarm system can be made smart.

Fear not if your house doesn’t have an alarm system, we have wireless retrofit solutions such as Ajax if your house doesn’t have the required wiring in place.

Security & CCTV

At Epixx Systems, we don’t only install smart alarm systems, we install CCTV too. Our Smart CCTV systems constantly watch the perimeter of your home and notify you when someone is on your property.

Fob in, Fob out

Gone are the days of complicated intruder alarm keypads. With our security systems you simply swipe your fob on the way out to arm the system, and swipe it on the way in to disarm.

If you forget to, no problem. You can arm the system from your phone from the car, or even arm the doors and entryways from the comfort of your bed in the evening.

Finally, we offer a range of security solutions to ensure your properties safety, including electric gates.

Check out our Youtube channel to view our 'How To' security tutorials.