Battery Storage

Battery Storage

Battery Storage

Great news! The UK government has reduced the VAT on battery storage to 0%.

With battery storage units installed in your property, you can take advantage of cheaper electricity rates. For example, on windy days when the grid has excess energy, electricity prices tend to drop. During these times, you can charge your battery at the lowest cost or even for free!

By storing energy when it’s cheap, you’ll reduce your overall electricity bill. These batteries would ideally be installed in a utility room or large cupboard. 

Monitor your energy

With the mobile app, you can monitor your battery’s charge and discharge. Enabling you to keep track of energy prices so you can make informed decisions when to charge your battery storage accordingly.

By using the energy your battery’s have stored during peak hours, such as in the morning or just after work when everyone else is using electricity, you can avoid higher energy prices.

Instead of paying premium rates during peak times, you can rely on your battery to power your home, leading to significant savings over time. 

Additionally, you can increase your energy saving more by adding solar panels to your premises, increasing the amount of energy your batteries harvest.